Love - 3D
Un 1er janvier au matin, le téléphone sonne. Murphy, se réveille entouré de sa jeune femme et de son enfant de deux ans. Il écoute son répondeur. Sur le message, la mère d'Electra lui demande, très inquiète, s'il n'a pas eu de nouvelles de sa fille disparue depuis longtemps. Elle craint qu'il lui soit arrivé un accident grave.
Au cours d'une longue journée pluvieuse, Murphy va se retrouver seul dans son appartement à se remémorer sa plus grande histoire d'amour, deux ans avec Electra. Une passion contenant toutes sortes de promesses, de jeux, d'excès et d'erreurs...
LOVE occurs beyond GOOD and EVIL. LOVE is a genetic need. LOVE is an altered state of consciousness. LOVE is a hard drug. LOVE is a mental disease. Love is a game of power. LOVE is to surpass one's self. LOVE is a blinding light. Love is sperm, fluids and tears. LOVE is an arousing sexual melodrama about a boy and a girl and ANOTHER GIRL.
January the 1st, early morning. The telephone rings. Murphy wakes up next to his young wife and 2-year-old child. He listens to his voicemail: Electra’s mother, sick with worry, wants to know whether he has heard from her daughter. Electra’s been missing for a long time. She's afraid something really bad has happened to her. Over the course of a long rainy day, Murphy finds himself alone in his apartment, reminiscing about the greatest love affair of his life, his two years with Electra. A burning passion full of promises, games, excesses and mistakes…
- A film by:
- Gaspar Noé
- Cast:
- Karl Glusman, Aomi Muyock, Klara Kristin, Juan Saavedra, Jean Couteau, Vincent Maraval
- Year:
- 2015
- Duration:
- 134 min
- Country:
- France
- Image:
- 1:2,39 / 3D
- Genre:
- Drama / Erotic
- Language:
- English
- Subtitles:
- French
- Sound:
- 5.1 Dolby Digital
- Age:
- 18
- Suisa Nr.:
- 1010.840